How to Print Double-Sided Like a Pro Step-by-Step Process

In the quest for efficiency and eco-friendliness, mastering the art of double-sided printing is a valuable skill. Whether you’re a student preparing reports, a professional handling documents, or a creative individual bringing projects to life, knowing how to print double-sided can save time, paper, and resources. Join Print Shop London as we unravel the steps to print double-sided like a pro, maximizing productivity while minimizing waste.

Step 1: Check Printer Capabilities

Before diving into double-sided printing, ensure your printer supports this feature. Most modern printers come equipped with automatic duplex printing capabilities, allowing for seamless double-sided printing. However, if your printer doesn’t have this feature, don’t worry; manual duplex printing is still an option, albeit with a few extra steps.

Step 2: Adjust Print Settings

Once you’ve confirmed your printer’s duplex capabilities, it’s time to adjust the print settings on your computer or device. Open the document you wish to print and access the print dialog box. Look for the option to enable double-sided or duplex printing. Depending on your printer and software, this option may be labeled differently, such as “Two-Sided Printing” or “Duplex Printing.”

Step 3: Choose Double-Sided Printing Orientation

Before hitting the print button, specify the orientation for double-sided printing. You have two options:

Long-edge binding: Also known as “flip on long edge,” this option flips the pages along the longer side, ideal for documents bound on the side like a book or report.
Short-edge binding: Alternatively, “flip on short edge” flips the pages along the shorter side, suitable for documents bound at the top or bottom.

Step 4: Preview and Adjust Settings

Take a moment to preview your document to ensure it appears correctly for double-sided printing. Pay attention to page margins, formatting, and any potential content cutoffs. If necessary, adjust the print settings or document layout to optimize the printing outcome.

Step 5: Print and Reload Paper (Manual Duplex Printing)

If your printer doesn’t support automatic duplex printing, fear not; manual duplex printing is still achievable. After printing the first side of your document, carefully follow the printer’s instructions to reload the printed pages into the paper tray or feeder. Make sure to align the pages correctly to avoid printing errors.

Step 6: Complete Printing

Once all settings are adjusted and pages are aligned (for manual duplex printing), hit the print button to initiate the double-sided printing process. Sit back and watch as your document is printed on both sides, seamlessly merging efficiency with sustainability.

Additional Tips:

Experiment with Print Layouts: Depending on your document and printing preferences, you may need to adjust layouts or margins to optimize double-sided printing.
Use Recycled Paper: To further enhance the eco-friendliness of double-sided printing, consider using recycled or sustainably sourced paper.


Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the power of double-sided printing, a valuable tool in your productivity arsenal. Print Shop London encourages you to embrace this efficient printing method, saving resources while enhancing workflow. Whether it’s reports, presentations, or creative projects, double-sided printing empowers you to achieve more with less.